UHF Library RFID Tags UHF9503

This antenna is designed for Library applications. Its high efficiency and excellent performance make it widely used in library and wine fields etc.

UHF Library RFID Tags

This antenna is designed for Library applications. Its high efficiency and excellent performance make it widely used in library and wine fields etc.

Product UHF9503-U8
ANTENNA SIZE(mm) 3*95mm
Real Range (FCC) 8m
EPC Memory 128Bits/96Bits
TID Memory 96Bits
IC Life 100,000 programing cycles/50 years data retention

FAQ About RFID Book Labels

1. What is the RFID book tag?

Library book tags are designed to be placed into books. The antenna is tuned so that when the tag is placed inside the book, the book’s material (book cover and paper) won’t degrade, or detune, the signal.

2. Where should tags be placed in books and why?

Tag placement can vary depending on the type of item; the goal is to not cover any important information and ensure readability.

3. How is RFID used in libraries?

Librarians can affix materials with security tags that contain microchips and an antenna that transmits information to a wireless reader using radio frequency identification (RFID) technology.
Self-checkout stations using RFID can improve checkout rates while limiting exposure and reducing strain on staff. Strengthening the collection management and the anti-theft monitoring ability.